
Rowdy Poonies Stir Lamont With Porno

The Lampoon hit Lamont last night, disrupting the three main reading rooms and distributing dozens of pages of pornography.

At 10 p.m. one candidate for the 'Poon, as part of the Fool's Week initiation, stationed himself in each of the three rooms and three more were placed on the balconies.

The candidate on the balcony screamed out, "Do you have the Chem notes, Henry?" At the other end of the room, the candidate sitting at a desk responded, "No, but do you have DeVore's notes?"

"Here they are," the first yelled, and promptly threw hundreds of dirty pictures down from the balcony.

Dozens of bubbling Poonies poured out of Lamont, after filling poetry books with the pornography.


"There's something for every night this week," one candidate said. After writing and business competitions, the Lampoon's candidates are also put through a series of ordeals. Yesterday morning the six did calisthenics outside the 'Poon building, and Sunday night they enacted skits for the members.
