
Hey, What Rhymes With Heimert?

THE DAYS grow short, the snow gets deep,

We wade through piles before we sleep:

Piles of Wordsworth, piles of Mill,

And piles of Monarch's E-Z Phil.

So let the winter glow embrace you-

Forget the bluebooks (four) that face you.

Think of Christmas, think of New Year's,

Think of Charlie Manson's lawyers;

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

Think of Rubin, wrecked on pot.

For Sanctuary, ring the steeple;

Good vibes, too, to all street people.

Here's to the Med School, here's to Currier,

And here's to George Wald. our favorite worrier.

Sing a loud note to the Harvard Advocate;

Bye, Dean Watson, sad you had to quit.

To dear Chief Tonis and Mrs. Bunting,

We wish you luck at rapist hunting.

Hail to the Bakers. Herschel and Bobbi.

And cheers for letters by Dean von Stade.

HSA and IAB.

To each a glowing Christmas tree.

Happy New Year, Angela Davis;

From Spiro Agnew, help to save us.

If you've been ripped off, ??

And a wry "hello" to the ??

Love to Lampy, witty as??

To Independent, best of ??

And good cheer, too, for ??

We hear even he has got ??

And here's to the Signet,??

And here's to our autos,??

It's much too far to park??.

Now farewell-sob-to th??

Make haste to ring the L??

We bid adien to Daniel??

Farewell to Waldorf, bye??

Parting greetings from a??

Joyeux Noel to Jean-Loc Godard,

And tasteful cheer to glass-house DR.

Greetings, friend, retiring Yovicsin;

And warmth and joy to all the Weathermen

Oh, Julia Child, what storms you cook up!

Frost a big cake for Elizabeth Bishop.

Blessings for Brighams, blessings for Mather,

Blessings even on Larry Di Cara,

On Roger Rosenblatt, Erich Segal.

And each and every separate Beatle.

Mistletoe to Richard Nixon-

Instead of Patton, he might try Vixen.

Joy to every Adam's rib:

Smiles and strength to women's lib.

Love to the UR, love to Elsie's,

Love to Hazen's- in excelsis.

Lay a wreath on Dexter Gate

To honor Walter Jackson Bate.

Noel, Papanek; Noel, Peretz;

And hail to all you National Merits.

O Henry Kissinger! Louise Vosgerchian!

Antipodes of total immersion!

Hail to Chase Peterson, patron of freshmen,

And raise a warm glass to L.K. Nash, men!

Greetings, Bio Labs' flora and fauna,

And botanical best friend, marijuana.

For exiled Leary's Christmas tree:

An Algiers-model LSD.

Huzza for the Hoffmans, Abbie and Stanley,

And ditto for the gathered Kennedy Family.

Joy to Banfield; joy, Huey Newton;

To both, more years of straight, straight shootin'.

Gifts for the fellows, Junior and Nieman,

And warm "hello" to Soc Sci's Riesman.

At Harvard Bulletin, good luck, John Bethel,

And Chem 20's Doering: enjoy some ethyl.

Buck up, hearties, at Gazette!

You may well get some readers yet.

To James Q. Wilson, happy day.

Downing egg nog with Ernie May.

To Nathan Pusey and Cheyney Ryan

(Which is the lamb? and which the lion?),

To DAS and CRR

And Selective Service's Curtis Tarr,

To Alan Heimert, Derek Bok.

And Robert Coles, our favorite Doc-

Merry Christmas, steadfast friends!

Season's cheer as '70 ends.

PEACE to the Earth, peace to the moon,

And peace to Commencement in far off June.

Joy to Cambridge, joy to the world,

Joy to unborn children, curled

In wombs whose warmth and strength and cheer

Belie a savage land of fear.

Peace to our nation: it's time to say "when";

Peace to the gods-and peace to all men.
