
TV Time Offered to All Groups

"Catch 44 is a catch-all, an open forum, a way to give access to television to people who don't normally have it," said Henry Benton, producer for Catch 44.

The program is broadcast by Channel 44 Monday through Friday from 9-9:30 p.m. Any group or individual with a format for a program can use the airtime.

Last week, Catch 44 premiered with panel discussions by the Socialist Worker Party, Al Capp and the Young Americans for Freedom, and a concert by the U.S. Navy Steel Band.

Say Anything

"We work out technical aspects for the shows-like providing moderators if the groups request them. We have just a few guidelines. Otherwise we let people say anything they wish," Benton said.


Coming attractions for this week include Webster Lewis, an organist; a panel of women from Columbia Point who will discuss the educational system; and an astrologer scheduled for Friday 13th who will "read the chart of the U.S. as if it were a person."

"It's exciting. It's real community T.V.," said Judith M. Garb '71 who has been working for WGBX-TV. "If you have a format just call up (868-3800) and we'll give you a date. We do the shows live."
