
Boston Area Radicals Step Up Political Activity

Women Cover CFIA With Radical Slogans

It wasn't exactly art, but for about three hours yesterday the drab outer walls of the OFIA were adorned with colorful slogans.

"At 12:45, some 20 females chanting such slogans as 'power to the people' came up Divinity Ave.," said Guy Darst of the Harvard News Office. In the space of ten minutes, they decorated the walls, passed out leaflets and left-all without a clue to their identity, he said.

"Victory to the NLF," "Fuck the OFIEA," and "Off this capitalist death trap" were written in spray can yellow, blue, green and red, and in black crayon.

B and G Makes the Scene

At 3 p. m. the Department of Buildings and Grounds dispatched three men and one truck-equipped with brown-gray paint-to the scene of the incident. Donning protective uniforms and face masks, they uncoiled a 40-foot hose from the truck and painted over the slogans.

The walls were restored to a somber beige 40 minutes later. All that remained were the scattered leaflets and a faint message on the steps reading "Fuck the CFIA."

Anti-Bombing March Ends With Fights


Sixty persons who gathered yesterday in Boston's Fens Park for a rally to protest the U. S. bombing of North Vietnam decided instead to march through the streets and ended up clashing with students in front of Northeastern University's student center.

The rally at the park, organized by SDS's War Council, failed to get underway at 3 p. m. when none of the speakers showed up. A light rain started and on the suggestion of a girl in the crowd, the demonstrators left the park and marched towards Symphony Hall in an effort to "exert our energies more forcefully."

Carrying signs and chanting, the marchers blocked traffic and at one point along Symphony Road, a marcher hurled an empty "Ripple" wine bottle at a passing police car.

The patrol car did not stop but later returned accompanied by a police wagon and another cruiser, as the group headed down Commonwealth Ave, towards Northeastern's Carl Stephen Ell Student Center.

At the center's outdoor plaza three fights started between the protestors and students opposing the demonstration.

Before police arrived the drizzle turned to a downpour, and the students and demonstrators fled the plaza in opposite directions.
