
'Take It Off' Girl Talks to Dames

Gunilla Knutson, the Swedish woman who rose to fame through the Noxema "take it all off" shaving commercials, said last night that she had originally planned to be a physical education teacher but that "making dirty commercials in the United States is a lot more fun."

Speaking before an audience of about 50 Harvard wives, members of the Harvard Dames, Knutson had few comments to make on women's liberation. She said, "Since I'm from Sweden I guess I was born liberated. In general I think Swedish women are more liberated than American women."

Knutson agreed with women's demands for equal pay and equal work but said that it was unimportant for women to fight to be admitted to certain bars.

In reference to her invitation to speak at Harvard Knutson said she was pleased to be asked to one of the world's greatest universities, especially since she is usually asked to speak before men's clubs.
