The following quiz was put together by Scott W. Jacobs, Deborah B. Johnson, Garrett Epps, Carol R. Sternhell and numerous other CRIMSON editors. All the questions (with the possible exception of #50) are from children's books.
Anyone wishing to compete for a prize (which will probably be one dozen lollipops) should have his answers at the CRIMSON office (c/o Trivia) by Saturday. As with all CRIMSON quizzes, teams will be included. Answers will be announced next week.
1. Name the Bobbsey Twins.
2. Name two bodies of water on which Laura Ingalls Wilder lived as a child.
3. Who wrote Biggles the Ace Pilot?
4. How many hats did Bartholomew have?
5. What activated the space-ship in Danny Dunn and the Anti-Gravity Machine?
6. Name the weakest of the four children in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis and name the candy which was his downfall.
7. What sex was Black Beauty and name the horse who was the recurrent love of his/her life.
8. Name the rat in Freddy the Pig.
9. Name Trixie Belden's brother and explain why, according to Trixie, he wore a crew cut.
10. What color was Harold's crayon, and who wrote the book?
11. What was the name of the cow elected president of the First Animal Republic in Freddy the Pig?
12. Name the rat in Charlotte's Web and describe his most obnoxious habit.
13. Who wrote the Chip Hilton books?
14. "Good night dear girls I hope you sleep well, Good night good night dear Miss......................." (Fill in the blank and name the book.)
15. What was the cartoon on the back page of Boy's Life?
16. What was the name of the policeman who stopped the traffic on Storrow Drive for the ducklings to cross the street in Make Way for Ducklings?
17. What was the color of the magic pencil in The Pink Motel?
18. Meg and Jo went to a ball in Little Women. What horrible act did Jo want Meg to do to signal her (Jo) when she was being gauche?
19. In Good Night Moon, what species of animal was the central family and what animals were depicted in the picture above the bed?
20. In If I Ran the Circus, who ran the store in front of the vacant lot where the circus would be?
21. Who wrote The Phantom Tollbooth?
22. Who kept saying, "I think I can."
23. What was "it" in The Five Children and It?
24. Where could you order most of your childhood classics?
25. What was the name of the towheaded animal in Dr Doolittle?
26. How many coaches did Chip Hilton have during his illustrious career?
27. What was the name of the youngest girl in The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew?
28. What was the name of the bird Stuart Little befriended and what did she save him from?
29. Name the Hardy boys.
30. What letter of the alphabet did pirates banish in a children's book by James Thurber? Name the book.
31. What did Eeyore lose? Who was using the lost object for what when he found it?
32. What was the one animal that Dr. Doolittle didn't like?
33. In Alice in Wonderland, what bird watched a panther devour a pie and what fate did the bird eventually meet?
34. What was extra at the Mock Turtle's school?
35. What was the true name of the Prince in The 13 Clocks?
36. What was the second title Charlotte put in her web (after Some Pig)?
37. "When I was three I was hardly me, When I was four I was ......."
38. How old was James James Morrison Morrison Wetherbec George Duprec?
39. Whose house did Winnie the Pooh get stuck in the door of?
40. What was the name of Babar's capital city?
41. Who graduated first in Cherry Ames' nursing class?
42. What was the name of the cat in the Dick and Jane books?
42. Name two Dick and Jane books.
43. What color was Peter Rabbit's jacket?
44. What branch of the armed services was Pippi Longstocking's father in?
45. How many were going to St. Ives?
46. In Through the Looking Glass, what was the White Knight's pudding made of?
47. What did Tubby the Tuba want to chase?
48. What was the demise of Stuart Little's boat race in Central Park?
49. What did the Little Mermaid have to give up to get legs?
50. Name the seven dwarfs.
51. What was Misty's home state?
52. What were the names of the parents in Peter Pan?
53. What was Harold's means of transportation?
54. What did Jack give for the magic beans?
55. What was the name of the monkey in the Babar books?
56. What was the first design the child drew in the first chapter of The Little Prince?
57. What was the cause of the Light Princess's regaining of gravity?
58. What was the chemical that the people on the Mushroom Planet needed to survive and what food was it contained in?
59. Who did the spell that brought down the oobleck?
60. What did Santa Claus do to go up the chimney?
61. What did Alice try to do while falling down the rabbit hole?
62. What did Rumplestiltzkin make the princess do?
63. Why was the Wicked Witch not invited to Sleeping Beauty's christening?
64. What did Christopher Robin's Alice say about the life of a guard?
65. What did Sal eat more of than she put in the bucket?
66. What color were Goody-Two-Shoes' shoes?
67. Who stole Christmas?
68. What did the Bobsey Twins find in a basket?
69. What did Hannah do to her hat to make it nicer?
70. When the three little kittens lost their mittens, what couldn't they have?
71. What did the baby raccoon have to wait for?
72. What was the name of the butler in Freddy the Pig?
73. What was the name of the nurse in Uncle Wiggly?
74. What color was Nancy Drew's roadster?
75. What was the great grey green greasy Limpopo River all set about with?
BONUS QUESTION: What did Madeline and Lyndon Johnson have in common?
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