
R. Buckminster Fuller Is a Verb

R. Buckminister Fuller, technological visionary of "Spaceship Earth," spoke to a capacity crowd in the grand ballroom of the Boston Sheraton hotel yesterday evening.

"The only thing I know that is significant about myself is that, as far as I know, I am an average man," Fuller said, and went on to explain his view that every man has the potential to discover "the principles operative within the universe and to use them to enable the world to provide for all of its inhabitants."

Fuller explained that the principal cause of alienation and strife between nations was their effort to balance out the inequity of the world's resources and "to obtain those things necessary for human survival." Stating that the politicians 'method of effacing this aim have always been "incredibly stupid," Fuller placed hope in the restructuring of educational methods. He said people must begin to see the earth as a whole system with very definite limits to its capacity, and that too much attention has been given to specialization.

"The first part of our education is called elementary because we assume that parts mean everything. If nature wanted man to be specialized, he'd be born with a microscope in one eye. Man has a mind that can conceptualize and generalize."

In concluding his address, Fuller summed up his views concerning man's present situation and his prospects for the future. "We know that anything we need to do we know how to do and we can afford to do. But we need to do it in a great hurry. I know man can make it, whether he will or not is very touch and go. But we must realize and realize very quickly that it can be done."

