
Workers Picket Polaroid Dealer

As part of a nation-wide drive to force the Polaroid Corporation to stop its involvement in South Africa, six members and sympathizers of the Polaroid Revolutionary Workers' Movement picketed and leafleted yesterday outside of Raymond's Department Store in Boston.

The group tried to convince lunch-hour shoppers to boycott Raymond's, which is, according to Christopher J. N. Nteta, a Divinity School student and a South African Movement member, one of the largest dealers of Polaroid products in the Boston area.

The Workers' Movement has succeeded in stopping Polaroid from providing the equipment used to make the passes which all Black South Africans must carry. but has not been able to stop Polaroid's other exports to the country.

A number of people stopped in front of Raymond's to read the leaflets and discuss the protest, but no one was visibly dissuaded from entering the store. At one point the store manager came out and reminded the group to keep the protest on the sidewalk and off thestore's property. The picketers complied.

About half of the picketers were Polaroid workers. One of the workers said that the Movement had also staged demonstrations yesterday at the Polaroid executive offices in Cambridge and at its Manufacturing Orientation Center in Roxbury.


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