
Spadafora Considered For Rent Control Job

Joseph A. Spadafora, a former property manager for Harvard, is one of three candidates currently being considered by Cambridge City Manager John H. Corcoran for the post of rent control administrator.

Spadafora's name was submitted to the manager late last week along with the name of a B.R.A. man which has yet to be released.

The citizen's committee which has been interviewing candidates for the post earlier recommended Eugene Underwood of New York.

Spadafora managed property for Harvard from September 1968 to August 1970 while he was with the ?rm ofHunneman and Company, a Boston-based realty company.

He said yesterday that his experience overseeing the day to day operation of all of Harvard's rented dwelling units would provide good experience for the rent administrator post.


While with Hunneman, Spadafora was also responsible for implementation of the city government's rent subsidy program into Harvard's privately owned dwelling units.

Corcoran has not yet interviewed any of the administrator candidates but he expects to do so this week. The rent control administrator will have ultimate responsibility for carrying out Cambridge's new rent control law.
