
Nine Candidates in Quincy Compete in CRR Elections

Quincy House will elect a representative to the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities (CRR) from a field of nine candidates today.

The most important issue in the campaign has been the composition of the CRR. The nine candidates have advocated a change in the present eight to six faculty student ratio. According to David I Cohen '72, "If the committee is going to be effective, it must be student oriented. The present set-up is totally unacceptable."

The CRR election today comes just five days after Quincy House reversed a previous decision in which House members had voted not to elect a committee member.


The election has been confused by the efforts of students trying to discredit the CRR by waging a write-in campaign for Franklin L. Ford, former dean of the faculty and now a resident of Quincy House.

A radical CRR member is not expected to be elected, however. Lawrence S. Dicara '71, chairman of the House Committee, said, "I don't think any of the real radicals are running. The type of people who would disrupt the meeting are not really involved."



Kenneth E. Meister '72, a candidate in the CRR election said, "More people believe it's better to be represented on a committee that is not ideal rather than not be represented at all. A lot of kids could get hurt without student representation."

In the event of a low voter turn-out, a runoff between the two top candidates may be held.

Quincy's representative on the CRR will serve until the end of the term in January. Michael L. Ryan '72 expressed the consensus of the candidates, saying, "We've got nothing to lose so we're willing to let the CRR have a chance to prove itself during the next two months."

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