
Unbeten Ruggers Edge Dartmouth

The Crimson varsity rugby squad ran its season record to 4-0 and earned its revenge over Dartmouth here Saturday by gaining a 10-6 come-from-behind victory over the invading Indians.

The persistant downpour over the weekend covered the field with over an inch of water in places and reduced the game to a sloppy, uncoordinated shoving match.

"In weather like that," commented rugby co-captain Phil Ordway, "it's up to the forwards to carry the game." Harvard's forwards responded, and the Crimson pulled the contest out, dominating the scrums and tackling the Indians extremely well. It was tough for the backs to handle the ball cleanly." explained Ordway, "but the forwards all played a great game."

Midway through the first half prop Lee Sheehy took in a loose ball for the first score of the game. Ordway's conversion put the Crimson on top by 5-0.

Quick Response


Dartmouth responded quickly, however, with a 25-yard penalty kick field goal, to narrow the margin to 5-3. On the last play of the half the Big Green took the lead at 6-5, as another penalty kick, this time from 20 yards, hit the cross bar, then bounced over.

The play was even throughout much of the last half until George Kyle scored the winning try with three minutes remaining in the game.

Both Ordway and co-captain Eric Henrickson, whose long kick had set up the last try, cited wing forward Paul Reppun for an outstanding game. Reppun, a junior, collected 15 tackles, and according to Ordway, "really stuck some people."

A year ago Dartmouth had stunned Harvard's rugby squad by rallying to tie the contest with two minutes left, and going on to take a 12-9 suddendeath overtime win.

In Saturday's preliminary match, the Crimson "B" squad fell 8-3 to Dartmouth after taking an early 3-0 lead. Dick Barrett intercepted a long line-out pass and drove over for the opening try midway through the first half, but after that the Indians controlled the scoring.
