Boston University will no longer require evacuation of buildings in response to bomb threats.
B.U. acting president Calvin B. T. Lee told a meeting of about 300 students on Friday that the university will continue to announce the bomb threats but will allow the occupants to decide or themselves whether or not to leave the building. The old policy required evacuation of all persons in the building threatened.
The university has been hit by bomb scares 39 times in 10 days-the 39th occurring at the Friday night meeting itself-and threats have disrupted classrooms and forced evacuation ofdormitories repeatedly throughout the day and night.
Student reaction to the constant disruptions has grown in proportion to the frequency of threats and a number of students Thursday issued a "manifesto" stating that they were not going to leave any building which was threatened.
However, rumors have been. persistent on he campus that the university would be closed down within a month if the bombing threats continued. Similar threats of firebombings and false fire alarms brought a week-early closing last spring.
Referring to the possibility of an early closing, Lee said, "We cannot allow ourselves to be intimidated to the point of paralysis."
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