

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

"Bombing rejects the very foundations of civilization," says Mr. Pusey. Right on, Mr. President ! ! I'm glad you've come to understand what the anti-war movement's been saying since 1965. We've dumped more bombs on the Indochinese than were dropped in all of World War II. And as you say, that's uncivilized. Most of Southeast Asia has been reduced to rubble by our B-52 bombers, and in Laos about 1/3 of the population now lives in caves and forests because their saturation-bombed villages no longer exist. There are over 3 million bomb-craters in the lunarlike landscape of Indochina. Bombing and like acts of terrorism cannot be condoned, and it is heartening to see you come out against such irrational, destructive behavior. Keep up your efforts, and maybe the bombings will cease.Teaching Fellow, Romance Languages
