
Matthews' 'New Politics' Campaign Blasts Opponents for Office Misuse

Andre Douglas Matthews '66, first year student at the Law School, is campaigning hard against two opponents in the race for State Representative from the Third Middlesex District.

Matthews, who ran unopposed in the Republican primary, will face the two Democratic incumbents, Charles F. Flaherty (D-Camb.) and Timothy W. Hickey (D-Camb.), November 3.

The Third Middlesex District runs up both sides of Mass. Ave. from Harvard Square to Arlington. It spreads west to Fresh Pond and forks into two precincts in Belmont.

Since it is double the size of other districts, each voter may cast two votes for the election of two Representatives.

Matthews is an advocate of what he calls "new politics" in which a candidate can have fun in his campaigning and still win.


He has tossed aside conventional campaign strategy after, as he says, "looking at the problems without being blinded by all the 'rules' you're supposed to go about in campaigning. We're going after this guy and we're going to solve these problems by telling the truth."

The "guy" Matthews refers to is Rep. Hickey, against whom he is directing his campaign. Matthews' leaflets maintain "your present State Representative wanted to spend $178,000 of your money to build a private marina for Judge Troy at Tenean Beach in Dorchester."

"There is something aesthetic about perverting a perversion," Matthews said, referring to his "smear the opponent" tactics in relation to general political campaigning.

Matthews' charge is based on Hickey's alleged misuse of his office for personal benefit.

Along with this approach Matthews is running on a platform of four main points: the building of a beach at Spy Pond for residents, putting the issue of decreasing the size of the Massachusetts House of Representatives on the ballot, lowering interest rates on bank credit cards and county government reform.

Matthews, a former reporter for Time magazine, said he is "really dealing with fair-minded voters who are really looking for alternatives-they know they're getting screwed."
