
Runners Travel to Boston Garden For Annual K. of C. Competition

Coach Bill McCurdy will take a portion of his undefeated track squad into the Boston Garden tomorrow night for the annual Knights of Columbus meet, an event which attracts some of the East's top track talent each year.

After shattering Boston University and easily sweeping by Army, the Crimson will not be concerned with team scores tomorrow night, since competition is on an individual basis only.

Junior John Gillis, the meet's defending champion in the 500-yard run, should once again be a co-favorite in the event tomorrow night.

Captain Keith Colburn and freshman Dave Elliot should also present strong challenges in their events. Colburn will run in either the 1000-yard run or the championship mile, and Elliot will probably run in the New England 880-yard run.

In other events, sophomore Ed Diamond will represent the Crimson in the 60-yard dash, and Walter Johnson will be vying for honors in the 60-yard hurdles.


Roy Shaw and John Heyburn will participate in two separate mile races, Shaw in the championship event, and Heyburn in a contest limited to New England competitors.

Although still uncertain of his final list of entrants, McCurdy plans to include participants in the field events as well.

One of the most likely field entries is freshman Steve Skane, who set an alltime Yardling record in the B. U. meet. The K. of C. meet has separate freshman divisions only in the relays, so Skane, as well as Dave Elliot in the 880, will be in open competition.

Highjumper Jim Coleman and long-jumper Noel Hare also might enter the meet for Harvard. The Crimson will also probably field either a mile or two-mile relay squad in the meet, which will begin about 7 p. m. in the Garden.
