
Must Be the Season of the War

At Least One October Protest Will Mean Guns

There are lots of ways to try to fight this war.

At Boston University last week, Mark Rudd told his audience, "You're fools if you don't get guns and join the Revolution."

Meanwhile the Student Association at the Harvard Business School approved unanimously a resolution asking the faculty that classes be optional on October 15, in support of the Vietnam moratorium.

John Kenneth Galbraith has publicly endorsed a statement for the Moratorium, urging colleagues "to organize an outpouring of citizens constructively demonstrating, in their own way, opposition to the prolongation of the war."

Bill Ayers, an organizer for RYM's national action, told a Marquette University SDS chapter to bring baseball bats, clubs, helmets, and firecrackers to Chicago.


Some people are going to march on Washington. Some people are going to march on the JFK Federal Building in Boston. At Harvard there are at least five separate groups organizing some sort of demonstration for October or early November.

There are lots of ways to try to fight this war.

October 4

On October 4, beginning at noon, there will be a city-wide march on the Federal building. Supporters of the march are regional-Cambridge and Boston-SDS members, which means that they are largely members of the Worker-Student Alliance (WSA) causus of SDS, a caucus whose philosophy is based on that of the Progressive Labor Party. WSA claims to be the only true SDS, and does not recognize the split with the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM), who walked out of last summer's Chicago convention. (More of RYM later.)

The march demands immediate withdrawal from Vietnam, no negotiations, and "an end to university attacks on the people." Designed to bring together as many Boston area schools as possible, it will begin from three separate spots-Boston University, Boston State, and Harvard-and all marchers will meet at the intersection of Commonwealth and Massachusetts Avenue, then continue on to the Federal building.

"The march is not in itself a solution," said Jay Sargent, a Boston State student and member of the march steering committee. "It is a building action for a campus worker-student alliance. This is the focus of our whole campaign; we must make this alliance concrete."

"We must show that the role of the university is not neutral," Sargent said. "We attack it for exploiting its own workers." He criticized more moderate groups like the Moratorium and the Student Moblization Committee (which is planning a November march on Washington) for seeking faculty and administrative support for their efforts. "You don't ask a boss to participate in your strike," Sargent said. "The university not only is imperialistic; it is itself a boss."

The march, conceived at a September 14 sub-regional SDS convention, will culminate in a rally with three speakers: Cindy Kline, the Cambridge Peace and Freedom Party's candidate for City Council; John Pennington, SDS national secretary; and Sargent. This wing of SDS is opposed to the Moratorium, Sargent said, "but will participate in it in order to win people over to a better position."

"Rather than create illusions about whom you ally with, you have to be very sharp," Sargent said. "When you issue statements that appeal to the lowest common denominator, you don't advance the struggle-groups such as these (the Moratorium and the SMC)-have killed the anti-war movement in the past; they see these demonstrations in themselves as solutions, and think it's enough to act only once every six months."

The WSA faction of SDS (which in Boston includes many unaffiliated radicals who have not allied officially with either WSA or RYM) is strongly opposed to the Chicago action, and has officially condemned the Weathermen, RYM's extremely militant/adventurist core who are planning the national action.

"Our struggle is a people's struggle," Sargent said. "A worker-student alliance is the clearest way to light racism and male chanyinism. This march will bring together people from all over the Boston area in a common eflort to build a movement which can help force the U. S. out of Vietnam.

October 8-11
