
Faculty to Meet Tomorrow On New Discipline Group

The Faculty will meet Tuesday to receive an interim report from the Fainsod Committee, consider procedures for discipline of Faculty members, and formally establish the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities.

Merle Fainsod, Carl T. Pforzheimer University Professor, said last night he will orally present for his Committee "general conclusions we had come to up to this point." The Committee has been investigating Faculty restructuring for the last eight months.

Final recommendations from the Committee members-who are still circulating a draft version of the report-will come later in the week, he said, and the final report should go to the printers shortly thereafter. But Fainsod said, "my own view is there would be no substantial changes" from his interim report Tuesday.

No Comment

He refused to comment on the contents of the 70-page typewritten report, now in its third draft, before he addresses the Faculty. But an article in yesterday's Boston Herald Traveler says the report will urge the establishment of an 18-member elected Faculty council, chaired by Dean Ford, which would replace the Committee on Educational Policy.

Ford will reportedly nominate Faculty members for all 18 positions-six representatives each from the social sciences, the natural sciences, and the humanities. One-third would be junior Faculty members. Faculty members could nominate their own choices for election by petitioning.

Liberals Opposed


Liberal caucus members reportedly oppose the plan, believing that the dean of the Faculty should have no special powers of nomination.

Informed sources say the report will also call for several new student-Faculty committees to regulate most aspects of policy directly concerning students.

The Fainsod Committee was established in January, in the attermath of the Paine

Hall demonstration, to study "the structure, procedures, and decision-making processes" of the Faculty, "including the ways in which students might participate in reaching decisions."

In January and again in March, proposals to add students to the Committee were defeated. But the Harvard Undergraduate Council and other student groups consulted with the Committee during its deliberations.

Two Resolutions

Alan Heimert '49, Master of Eliot House and a member of the Committee of Fifteen, will move two resolutions for adoption at tomorrow's meeting. One would formally establish the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities, which would be the chief disciplining arm of the Faculty.

The other would establish procedures for disciplining Corporation appointees this school year. If a complaint of a violation were received, the Faculty members of the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities would serve as a fact-finding board.

Committee Within a Committee

If the President felt the facts as assembled warranted further action, a committee would be formed of two corporation members and three men who served both on the Committee of Rights and Responsibilities and the Committee of Fifteen. That joint committee would recommend punishments to the Faculty.

The resolution would also request the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities to make new arrangements for disciplining Corporation appointees in the future. The plan is an attempt to regularize discipline of Faculty members after the controversy over the hearings concerning Jack R. Stauder, instructor in Social Relations, the highest-ranking Corporation appointee arrested in University Hall.
