
Sailors Will Compete In Weekend Regattas

Harvard sailors open their fall season this weekend with races at Coast Guard, and Radcliffe will open at Tufts.

The big event is the 28th Coast Guard Academy Inviational Sunday morning with the Hap Moore Trophy going to the winner. The competition tests the depth and versatility of the teams through races in three different kinds of boats-Raven Class sloops with spinnakers, keel knockabouts, and international 12-foot dinghies.

The teams entered are Harvard. M. I. T., Coast Guard. Tufts. Yale. Stevens Tech, and Rhode Island. The Crimson's Robbie Doyle is one of four All-Americans expected to compete.

Saturday, Harvard will sail in elimination A of the New England Intercollegiate Sailing Association sloop competition at Coast Guard. Three of the seven teams will become finalists, with Harvard, Yale, Brown, and Northeastern the favorites.

Radcliffe is participating in a decagonal hosted by Jackson College on Saturday morning.

