
Cliffie Held For Felony In Columbus

Out on $25,000 Bail For Inciting Bail For Inciting Riot

A Radcliffe sophomore was released on $25,000 bail in Columbus, Ohio, yesterday after being charged with "inciting to riot."

Elizabeth Stanley 72, a member of Harvard-Radcliffe SDS, was arrested with three others Wednesday evening with three others Wednesday evening after a two-day rebellion in the predominantly black East-side of Columbus. Her arraignment before the Grand Jury will be held sometime in August, according to police sources.

"The police came into our house Wednesday night with a search warrant for two guns. All they found was a pile of leaflets about the black uprising," Miss Stanley said last night.

"We were charged originally with 'being a suspicious person,' and later the charge was changed to 'inciting to riot,'" she added.

Miss Stanley was released after spending eight days in the city prison. The judge refused to lower bail for the third time in yesterday's hearing held to decide probable cause. The judge decided that sufficient evidence existed to send the case to the Grand Jury.


According to police reports Miss Stanley was charged for distributing leaflets in downtown Columbus "inducing people to continue to riot."

"Inciting to riot" is a felony that carries a one to three year prison term or a one year term with a maximum fine of $1000. Miss Stanley said that bail money was still needed for one of those arrested with her as well as for legal expenses for everyone arrested.

Miss Stanley said that the police ransacked her house and that others of those arrested had been evicted from their houses in Columbus.

Six other people, some of whom were members of SDS were arrested at the same time from two other houses in which students were living this Summer. One of the four arrested with Miss Stanley had his case dismissed yesterday for lack of evidence.

Miss Stanley refused to comment about the reasons for her charges, but the police report said that she had been arrested for distributing "highly inflammatory leaflets." The report also said that the leaflet called the police and the national guard that had partially occupied the town during the uprising, "pigs."

"The leaflet said that the rebellions in American cities are an example of People's War of Liberation," Miss Stanley said. "It said that white people would help backs to fight thieving businessmen by any means necessary."

"I'm not worth one-half of Eldridge Cleaver's bail," Miss Stanley said. "I wish I were." She added that the judge in yesterday's hearings declared "I detest people like you who are trying to destroy America."

The uprising began Monday night, according to the Columbus Dispatch, after the killing of a black in a dry cleaning store. The white owner of the dry cleanning store is being held for the killing
