tors automatically won. But opposition leaders immediately said that they would challenge some discrepancies in the Coop membership lists. They pointed out that Coop lists showed 700 more undergraduate members than were actually registered at Harvard and charged that similar membership swelling had occurred elsewhere.
The Committee on Education Policy started processing the five-month-old Dunlop Report on Recruitment and Retention of Faculty. The CEP approved an important section of the report dealing with re-arrangement of Faculty titles. Under the approved plan, Harvard would abolish the rank of "instructor" and hire all new Ph.D's as "assistant professors. While nothing that the Faculty's budget problems might force it to hire fewer men, the CEP also recommended higher salaries for Faculty members.
October 24: SDS stepped up its role in the anti-ROTC campaign. Members said they had collected 300-400 signatures on a petition demanding the immediate ousting of ROTC from Harvard.
Harvard's first experiment in Afro American studies--Soc Sci 5, a general education course on "the Afro American Experience" -- met strong criticism from black students in the course and from other Afro members. After one black freshman had argued with the course's instructor, Frank Freidel, during a lecture, Afro said it would prepare a formal critique of the course, including alternate reading lists and lecture suggestions. Freidel said that the course had been put together on short notice and was still in a flexible stage.
Hope that Henrietta Blueye might be released from Hungary was squelched by press reports that Miss Blueye and an Italian friend were going on trial in Budapest. Hungarian officials refused to say what the charges were, but the U. S. State Department repeated its earlier statement that the Radcliffe junior was charged with smuggling an East German citizen out of Hungary.
October 25: On the first anniversary of the Dow demonstration, one student sat in a hallway in Mallinckrodt sit-in--announced that they would return to Harvard on November 6. Several students in the science departments petitioned the Chemistry department to force Dow representatives to conduct a public discussion of Dow policies.
Nine thousand Bostonians went to Boston Gardens for the "eleven Votes for Peace" rally, which many Harvard students had helped plan. Onetime Presidential contender Eugene McCarthy told the crowd to work for "dove" Senatorial candidates, but McCarthy surprised some party officials by failing to say anything about Hubert Humphrey's presidential campaign.
October 26: The Crimson football team took a surprising fifth straight win, beating Dartmouth 22-7. Harvard's margin over Dartmouth was its largest since 1928.
President Pusey got an honorary degree from Holy Cross College. Speaking to the Holy Cross convocation, Pusey said that colleges should "rejoice" when their students "insist on seeing their private goals in social terms."
October 28: Acting on news of the upcoming Dow recruiting visit, the HUC asked the Chemistry department to open the meeting with Dow representatives to all students. The department replied that it had not fixed any plans for the meeting yet.
Martin Kilson, one of the designers of Soc Sci 5, entered the dispute over the new course. Kilson said that black students' criticism of Soc Sci 5 was "racially bigoted and disgustingly anti-intellectual." Afro members said that Kilson had "misinterpreted" their complaints; "we weren't objecting per se to the fact that white professors teach the course," one black student said.
October 29: The SFAC held a special meeting to discuss several resolution on ROTC but was unable to agree on any of them. HUC representatives presented their case for removing ROTC's academic privileges. One Faculty member of SFAC--Oscar Handlin--proposed a wider resolution that would take away credit from ROTC and all other courses that were not "entirely academic in purpose."
Another AWOL soldier took campus refuge. Jack O'Connor, who said he was AWOL from a Virginia Army base, set up a sanctuary in the M.I.T. student center building.
October 30: In a straw poll conducted by the CRIMSON, Hubert Humphrey took more than 66 per cent of student votes for President. More students--9.5 per cent--said they would not vote for Nixon--9.3 per cent. Eldridge Cleaver got 5 per cent of the votes, and a smattering of other candidates--including George Wallace, Eugene McCarthy, and Socialist Fred Halstead -- together collected nearly 10 per cent.
In Budapest, Henrietta Blueye lost a battle with the Hungarian court and was sentenced to six months in jail. But the Hungarians said that the two and a half months Miss Blueye had already spent waiting in jail could be counted against her sentence.
Phillips Brooks House announced that it was cutting back the enrollment in its volunteer programs to 60 per cent of the previous year's total. PBH officers said that the cutback was not because of lack of enthusiasm, but rather because residents of Cambridge had taken over guidance of several of the programs.
October 31: After considering petitions from graduates and undergraduates who asked for a University-wide open meeting with Dow recruiters, the Chemistry department faculty voted to limit the Dow meeting to graduate students in the department. The department also formally asked Dow to hold off its scheduled November 6 recruiting visit until Harvard could work out the details of the meeting.
President Johnson ordered all bombing of North Vietnam halted. He said that the bomb cessation could lead to "speedy resolution of the negotiations in Paris."
November 1: The Coop's stockholders, saying they were "distressed" by charges of swollen membership lists and election irregularities, voted to form a special committee that would study the whole system of electing Coop Directors.
The Medical School's Committee on Disadvantaged Students released an ambitious report for attracting and keeping black and "disadvantaged minority" students at the school. The report asked the school to create 15 new scholarships of $5,000 each and to increase the size of a Med School class from 160 to 185.
November 2: Harvard won its sixth football game, beating Penn 28-6 at Soldiers' Field.
In his first public address since visiting American deserters in Sweden, Harvey G. Cox, professor of Divinity, spoke at the M.I.T. sanctuary and claimed that regiments of American soldiers were being sent handcuffed and under guard to Vietnam.
Sharp-eyed liquor agents from the state Alcoholic Beverages Control Bureau raided the Hasty Pudding Club after the football game and took the names of all under-age people drinking at the bar.
November 4: The Radcliffe College Council, after weighing student opinion, decided to go ahead with construction of the underground parking lot. The Council--Radcliffe's version of the Harvard Corporation--said that digging would start in June.
November 5: While most Harvard students watched late at night, California toppled into Richard Nixon's column and gave him the electoral college majority. Some students didn't just watch. Nearly a hundred members of Harvard SDS joined a march on the Boston Common, at which six people were eventually arrested for assault and battery on police officers.
November 6: The Committee on Educational Policy took up the simmering ROTC debate. Dean Ford said that the CEP did not consider the Harvard Undergraduate Council's case against ROTC to be "a fully developed argument," but the CEP agreed to invite students from the HUC and the Harvard-Radcliffe Policy Committee to its next meeting.
The CEP also on a proposed "radical" course in economics, approving plans for "The American Economy: Conflict and Power." Leaders of the new course -- most of whom said they had a radical perspective on economics" -- said the course would concentrate on problems of power relations and income distribution in the American economy.
The University Planning Office announced that it was reviving old plans to build Faculty housing on the Shady Hill site near the Divinity School. In 1955 Harvard had cancelled building plans on the three-and-a-half-acre area in face of stiff neighborhood opposition. University planners said that they might start talks with neighborhood representatives within a few months to iron out possible objections.
November 7: A traditional "heckling debate" in Harvard's public speaking course led to a potentially explosive situation. One student came to the debate dressed as a Klansman and argued in favor of the proposition that "Black Power is ruining America." Although the debate directors and the student himself said that their intent was harmless, black students objected immediately. A statement from a black freshman and the president of Afro said that the debate topic was comparable to "having a debate on the extermination of Jews--and bringing in one participant dressed as a Nazi."
A Radcliffe House Committee came up with a proposal to make travelling between Harvard and the Cliffe more enjoyable. Claiming that the university could arrange a bus circuit up and down Mass Ave and Garden Street if there was enough student interest, the committee circulated questionnaires to see how many cold undergraduates would pay to ride the bus.
November 8: To add momentary beauty to an Ed School lot eventually destined to be filled by a $6 million library, an Ed School student built a wooden Mongol structure called a "yurt." He taught classes in crates inside and said he had lived in yurts before.
November 10: The Medical School revealed plans for a new program of pre-paid community health care. Med School planners said they hoped the plan would lead a national shift away from antiquated systems of dispensing medical care. The Harvard Community Health plan would set up a health center in nearby Roxbury and would emphasize preventative medicine as a way of keeping its patients out of the hospital.
The football team won another, this one a 9-7 squeaker over Princeton.
November 12: The faculty unanimously accepted the Dunlop Report's section on re-arranging Faculty approved--calling for elimination of the "Instructor" post and general pay raises--had earlier been endorsed by the CEP.
The Government department felt a growing financial pinch as student enrollments increased nearly twice as fast as departmental funds. But the department's chairman, Samuel P. Huntington, denied allegations that the department was short on tutors and teaching fellows.
November 14: The roof fell in Yale said that it would admit women starting in 1970 and that the female Bulldogs might live in the same dorms as the men.
Harvard's research funds, which had already suffered from several Federal cutbacks, faced the prospect of another $1 million cut from the National Science Foundation. The Faculty set up a special committee to decide how to divide the loss among Harvard's many research projects.
Nearly thirty Harvard students went to jail for joining protests in Boston. Twenty members of SDS who marched with welfare mothers to the State House were put in jail on several charges of trespassing and obstructing government business. Another nine students who had protested an MBTA fare increase were arrested for trespassing and disruption, but were soon released.
November 17: The Harvard-Radcliffe Policy Committee released a report recommending that ROTC lose its academic privileges. The report stressed that ROTC did not belong in the Harvard curriculum because the ROTC courses--unlike any others in the College--were under outside control and did not constitute "work towards a liberal degree."
Winthrop House said that its annual spring Arts Festival would be run in association with Afro and would feature black artists. Tentative guest artists included James Baldwin, Leroi Jones, Marian Anderson, and others.
Meanwhile, black athletes criticized Harvard's sports policies on a WHRB panel. Football player John Tyson said he quit the team because he feld like a "gladiator in front of white alumni," while members of other teams said that Harvard coaches couldn't make full use of "the black athlete's style of playing."
November 18: SDS met late into the night and decided to confront the University over the ROTC issue. Along with plans for a demonstration outside Dean Ford's office SDS members mulled over suggestions that they force their way into the next Faculty meeting to make it consider their ROTC arguments.
The Harvard Undergraduate Council, reacting against a growing number of student-Faculty committees set up in the last few months, passed a strongly-worked resolution urging students to boycott the committees unless they had concrete guarantees of "power in the decisions."
November 19: The SFAC held its first vote on ROTC resolutions. By a 16-9 vote, the SFAC killed a resolution nearly identical to the SDS demand that ROTC be immediately removed from campus. Two other ROTC resolutions were postponed until the next meeting.
November 20: Even though the SDS anti-ROTC position had lost in the SFAC, a Faculty member said he would present the resolution at the Faculty's next meeting. Hilary Putnam, professor of Philosophy, said he would argue that ROTC had no :moral or political legitimacy" at Harvard.
A milder resolution, aimed at removing ROTC's academic credit, remained in the deliberative machinery of the CEP. After CEP members heard students from the HUC and the HRPC present arguments for ending academic credit, Dean Glimp said he would conduct a special weeklong survey of ROTC's status at other colleges and report back to the CEP.
Admissions office figures showed that Harvard was more popular than ever, as freshman applications were up 42 per cent over last year's figures.
November 21: The nine Harvard students arrested in the welfare mothers protest were found guilty on charges of conspiracy and sentenced to three months in jail. Trial judge Elijah Adlow '15 offered the students a one-year suspended sentence if they promised to stay away from future demonstrations, but changed the sentence to three months non-suspended when the students appealed his decision.
Several more Harvard students were arrested at another MBTA fare demonstration. Late in the afternoon, the District Attorney released all the students charged with blocking a passage, while retaining some non Harvard students on charges of disrupting a meeting.
There was still another arrest closer to the Yard. Sophomore Jared K. Rossman was arrested when he sold cut-rate vogurt on the steps of Lehman Hall.
November 22: Black students who had been working with a special Faculty committee to lay plans for a new emphasis on Afro-American studies at Harvard reacted to printed reports that the committee's chairman--Henry Rosovsky--did not plan to recommend an autonomous Afro-American Studies department. In an official statement, Afro said that a new department would help attract gradu-