ion. Von Stade said the Union would face the danger of overcrowding if unlimited numbers of Cliffies were alowed to troop in.
At the request of HSA agents, Dean Watson's office began investigating the on-campus distribution of Boston After Dark. The HSA representatives claimed that Watson had never officially cleared BAD for distribution, They also said that were not simply trying to remove BAD from competition with the HSA's own Student Calendar.
February 17: Because of a 25-year-old University policy against requesting draft deferments for students or employees, a conscientious objector doing research at the School of Public Health was denied permission to count his work here as alternate service. The CO's draft board said the research would be acceptable, but it asked for a letter from Harvard confirming the research project. The Harvard Personnel Office refused, saying that the University could not "ask for deferments."
The Corporation met for the first time since the Faculty's ROTC vote, but after the day-long meeting none of the Corporation members would say what--if any--action they had taken.
While Dean Watson continued his study of Boston After Dark the paper's publishers said they would temporarily hold off distribution. "If the papers are simply going to be thrown away, we can't leave them in the Houses," the BAD publisher said. Meanwhile, 1000 students signed a petition asking Watson to let BAD distribute.
Although Faculty votes prohibited him from seating students as voting members on his committee. Merle Fainsod said that he would work with four student consultants in his committee's study of Faculty organization. The four students--all past chairmen of student organizations--would be invited to meet with the committee when it discussed student Faculty relations, Fainsod said.
In response to the cancellation of the Design School's Urban Violence course, nearly one quarter of the tenured members of the Harvard Faculty signed a statement on academic freedom. The 113 Faculty members placed an ad in the CRIMSON asking the administration "to take measures appropriate to assure the inviolability of instruction and examinations in all duly approved courses."
February 18: President Pusey immediately responded to the Faculty's academic freedom statement. Pusey sent a letter to the signers of the statement saying that he would "do everything in my power... to see that the freedom of this University continued unabated, proof against attacks however well-intentioned or from whatever quarter."
The Corporation was slower to reveal its action on ROTC. Pentagon officials said that they too were waiting to hear what the Corporation had decided.
A group of first year Law students, unhappy with the school's academic arrangements and especially its grading system, began a movement to change the grade system. They circulated a petition asking for a number of reforms, including replacing letter grades with pass-fail grades for first-year students.
February 19: Dean Ford named the six members of the "search committee" in Afro-American Studies. Three of the committee's members were students selected by a black student committee. As stipulated in the Rosovsky report the committee's job was to find ten Faculty members for the Afro-American studies department by next Fall.
Dean Glimp announced progress on another of the Rosovsky recommendations. Glimp said that he was helping black students work out fund-raising arrangements for a planned black student center.
February 20: President Pusey sent a letter of Dean Ford announcing the Corporation's decision on ROTC. Pusey first referred to the Faculty's vote to remove academic credit and Corporation appointments from ROTC courses and instructors. He said that the Corporation "sympathizes with and commends" that effort to control the Faculty curriculum, adding, that the Corporation would try to "negotiate with the various military services in an effort to meet the Faculty's desires." But Pusey then said that the Corporation was pleased to see that the Faculty had not voted to expel ROTC. "It would be shortsighted in the extreme if academic institutions were now to withdraw their cooperation from the ROTC program," Pusey said. "Harvard University will therefore continue to cooperate in the ROTC program if a new arrangement can be concluded satisfactory" to both sides.
In Washington, national ROTC directors said they had received Pusey's letter and said that Harvard had told them "it is definitely eager for us to remain."
The acting dean of the Design School circulated a private memorandum saying that the instructor of an Urban Violence course had made a mistake in circulating a course outline that had not been approved by the school.
February 21: Panicked by news that the Civil Aeronautics Board might cancel the half-fare program for students, some 1100 Harvard and Radcliffe students quickly signed a petition asking the CAB to be merciful.
February 22: In a surprise afternoon meeting, the Radcliffe College Council voted to open up talks with the Harvard Corporation" with a view towards merging the two institutions." The Council's vote came after a morning meeting of the Radcliffe Trustees had voted to support the merger talks. The Council had not been scheduled to meet until March 3, but in anticipation of the Trustee recommendation, Council members arranged for the special meeting. The next step in merger proceedings was left to the Harvard Corporation, whose next regular meeting was set for March 3.
February 24: The Law and Business Schools discussed a proposal for a new four-year program leading to a joint MBA-LLB degree. Instead of spending three years earning a LLB and then two more getting an MBA, students under the new program would spend one year at each of the schools taking first-year courses, and then do combined studies in the last two years of the program.
February 25: The SFAC passed a resolution asking the Admissions and Financial Aid Office not to cut the scholarships of any students on probation until an SFAC committee completed a special study of the relation between financial aid and probation. This more general resolution on financial aid passed after the council tabled a motion about financial aid for Paine Hall demonstrators. Chase N. Peterson, dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, said that he supported the current practice of cutting up to $500 from a probation student's aid and replacing the cut with a loan.
The Harvard Undergraduate Council approved a report that recommended unlimited interhouse dining for Cliffies at dinners in Harvard Houses. The report went on to the Faculty Committee on Houses.
Radcliffe alumnae across the nation began to react to news of their college's impending death. Some of the older alumnae said they were irritated or sad, but most seemed to like the idea.
February 26: The Masters of the Houses agreed to let Boston After Dark distribute copies in dormitories. Although University rules prohibited distribution of free commercial literature, the Masters said that Harvard should make an exception as long as BAD continued orderly delivery.
A petition requesting co-ed housing programs for next fall got 2000 signatures at Harvard and Radcliffe Houses and was sent on to the Corporation. The joint Harvard-Radcliffe Houses and was sent on to the Corporation. The joint Harvard-Radcliffe committee that sponsored the petition said that since merger was inevitable, the Corporation should let students start living together right away.
A letter circulated among Business School Faculty members outlined steps the school would take to handle student demonstrations. In the letter, Business School dean George P. Baker outlined three levels of disruption and said that only Level I--orderly demonstration -- was acceptable. In case Level II (restriction of free movement) or Level III (use of violence disruptions began, the letter outlined a series of responses--including the use of police--to "promote de-escalation to Level I."
February 27: Law School dean Derek C. Bok appointed a special committee of Law School professors to study a student plan for overhauling the school's grading system. The students who drew up the plan said they were uneasy about how much opportunity they would have to participate in the committee's study.
The Harvard Educational Review published an article by a Berkeley professor who claimed that some of the IQ differences between whites and blacks were due to genetic differences between the races. The author, Arthur A. Jensen, said that human intelligence is affected more by heredity than environment.
February 28: Because of the SFAC's resolution asking for a moratorium on scholarship cuts for students on probation, the Financial Aid Office agreed to suspend action on all students on probation. Dean Peterson said he would help the SFAC with its study of the relation between probation and scholarship aid.
The Committee on Houses and the Ad Board worked out a system for handling first-time parietal violations in the Houses instead of bringing them before the Ad Board. Dean Glimp said the plan was "a way to get to know your senior tutor."
March 2: The Law School's new committee studying grade reform assured restive first-year students that they would be allowed to meet regularly with the committee.
At an SDS meeting, members heard about chances to work as fruit-pickers this summer under a program sponsored by the Cuban government and national SDS. The meeting also approved two resolutions, one demanding that Harvard expel ROTC, the other saying that the Corporation should not drive working-class Cambridge residents from their homes.
Students at the Design School were also interested in Harvard's building plans in the community. About 25 third-year students started work with the University Planning Office on designs for possible housing sites near Harvard.
March 3: The Corporation agreed to open merger talks with Radcliffe with a goal of achieving full merger by the Fall of 1970. The Corporation also outlined several problem areas to be ironed out--including financial and legal arrangements, co-ed housing plans, and the ratio of male and female undergraduates--before the merger could be consummated.
Statistics from the Registrar's Office showed that only one per cent of the 1646 students who took pass-fail courses in the Fall ended up with a "fail" grade.
March 4: The Faculty killed a proposal to add voting student members to the Fainsod Committee. Several students from the Harvard-Radcliffe Policy Committee came to the meeting and said that student membership was important, but the Faculty stayed with the Fainsod Committee's plan of letting students act as non-voting consultants. The Faculty also approved a section of the year-old Dunlop report dealing with Faculty salary ranges.
President Pusey named the seven members of the new Standing Committee on Afro-American Studies that would oversee the development of Harvard's Afro-American Studies program. Dean Ford agreed to serve as temporary chairman until the department found a leading black scholar as its permanent chairman. Henry Rosovsky, chairman of the special committee that first investigated Afro-American studies here, also was appointed to the committee.
March 5: A Faculty committee that had been studying the basic problems of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for more than a year released its report. The committee, chaired by Robert L. Wolff, recommended that the GSAS cut its enrollment by 20 per cent over the next six years to combat the school's "unwieldy and impersonal" size. The report also suggested pay raises for teaching fellows, a plan of long-term financial aid to grad students, and creation of a student center as part of an effort to improve sagging student morale at the GSAS.
The Corporation reversed part of a long-standing policy that had prevented conscientious objectors from performing their required alternate service here. After previously refusing to tell a local draft board that a CO was working at Harvard, the Corporation agreed to cooperate with draft boards on CO information in the future.
March 6: A group of non-students led by a former Columbia grad student named King Collins disrupted a Harvard class. Collins and his band interrupted Alex Inkeles' lecture in Soc Rel 153 and demanded that Inkeles have a "dialogue" with them on the "repressive nature of the lecture system."
A Divinity School student-Faculty committee with three black members prepared a special report for release, but the school's nine black students said they would reject the conclusions of the still-unpublished report. The committee had studied plans for recruiting more blacks and helping the School play a bigger role in black churches. The black students said that the committee was "unrepresentative" because the three blacks listed as members had not been consulted about the conclusions.
March 7: Harvard got a cheering letter from the National Science Foundation announcing that the NSF had boosted its 1969 grants to Harvard by $300,000. But the increase was just enough to offset previous cuts and barely brought the NSF grant total up to the 1968 level.
The chairman of the Soc Rel department, Roger Brown, said he would ask the department to drop Soc Rel 148 and 149 from next year's course offering. Brown said he was not mainly objecting to the courses' political orientation, but rather to the technical problems the courses caused by having undergraduates and non-students act as sectionmen. The director of Soc Rel 149, Jack Stauder, said the Brown's complaints and a rumored plan to transfer the courses to the Gen Ed department were "attempts at political suppression."
March 9: King Collins and several companions ran head-on into the Harvard Administration at Eliot House. Two of the girls and one of the boys from the group attracted a large crowd when they took off all their clothes and put them in washers in the Eliot House laundry room. Later, the entire group refused to leave a Harvard students' suite and left only after a showdown with House Master Alan Heimert, Dean Glimp, and Dean Watson. The administrators threatened to call in police if Collins tried to remain.
March 10: The Divinity School's group of black students formally lodged their protest against the school's committee report on educating black clergymen. The students said they were "distressed by the racist paternalistic assumptions" in the report--especially in the sections dealing with remedial education programs for black students without adequate preparation.
Four Harvard Faculties announced that they had pooled their resources to start a new doctoral program. The new program--called "Clinical Psychology and Public Practice"--would start in the fall of 1969 as a joint effort of the Education, Medical and Divinity School plus the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The purpose of the program, its organizers said, was to make clinical psychology "socially relevant."
March 11: King Collins and four of his followers were arrested when they disrupted a Soc Rel 153 class for the second time in a week. Cambridge police said they were holding Collins on a variety of charges, including assault and battery, possession of narcotics, and trespassing. The group was arrested after another argument with course instructor Alex Inkeles. When Collins ignored Inkeles' repeated requests to leave, police moved in and carried the group away.
The SFAC subcommittee that had been investigating the relation between scholarship and probation re-