
Faith Foundation Hands Out Card

A group of individuals concerned with "bringing goodness back into the world" will distribute 18,000 "self-credit" cards on campus today.

The group, which calls itself "Faith, the Essential Foundation," say their main concern is to rewrite the "Golden Rule" to include goodness.

The Foundation has placed several full-page ads in the CRIMSON, spreading their belief that the modern world needs, most of all, more faith and goodness.

Instructions to be distributed with the "self-credit" cards say: "Carry the card in your wallet at all times . . . . At the very beginning of a meeting for settling any controversy, place your card on the table with those of others . . . . The mere fact that yours is on the table brings into play everyone's 'inner voice.'"

The individual who has placed the ads and handled the distribution of the cards wishes to remain anonymous. He says he represents the Foundation.
