

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

There is a widespread opinion among Harvard students and Faculty that membership in the academic community permits on to violate civil laws with impunity on campus. Such thinking is behind the so called "moderate" Mem Church Group's statement that the University Hall trespassers were not criminals and the Faculty's overwhelming vote to drop trespassing charges.

The moral myopia which allows a few drops of blood, shed in legitimate police action, to overshadow the violent seizure of private property places the entire community at the mercy of any extremist group. Furthermore, it alienates the University's friends and contributors. Finally, it's just plain stupid.

The best way to keep police off campus is to rid the campus of those who brought them there in the first place: the University Hall guerrillas and the SDS. Then the rest of us can get together in a rational environment and discuss our problems. Haskell Hart '66
