
Graduate Schools Unhurt b Draft

Law School

The draft has had little effect on students in their first and second years at Law School and has had no effect at all on those in their last year.

In September, 169 out of 602 first-year students said that they had draft problems. They were currently either 1-A or likely to be reclassified. Since then, most have either failed their physical or joined ROTC or reserve programs.

Sixty-one first-year students have dropped out of the Law School since September. Of those who left, only 37 were drafted or volunteered for the army or the reserve. William L. Bruce '46 secretary off the Law School, said that most of those 37 volunteered for reserve units rather than wait for the draft. The others left mainly for personal reasons or to transfer to another school.

Some potential draftees leave the Law School during the summer to join the Peace Corps, Vista or teaching programs. Last year, 9 students joined the Peace Corps, 12 joined Vista and 24 entered deferrable occupations, mainly as teachers, during the summer. Only 16 entered deferrable occupations, mainly as teachers, during the summer. Only 16 entered some branch of the armed services.

To counteract possible draft effects, the Law School admitted 60 additional first-year students this year. This addition more than covers the termtime and summer losses to the draft.


This year 465 students returned for their second year, and 434 still remain. Of the 31 students who left, 24 joined the army--nearly all of them entering the reserve, Bruce said. The other 7 students left for personal reasons.

Third-year students at the Law School have not been affected at the since the current draft law grants them deferments.

Bruce said that other than adding to the number admitted, the draft has had no effect on admissions policy and that preference is not given to those who have completed military service.
