

The body also endorsed overwhelmingly a motion affirming "the right of those who wish to attend classes to attend them without disruption."

For Strike Continuance

Before specific proposals were heard, several speakers urged continuance of the strike. "When we are in a political struggle we are in it for victory," Leslie F. Griffin Jr. '70, president of the Association of African and Afro-American Students, said. "Afro is no strike whatever this meeting decides, and will remain on strike until we get a satisfactory answer to our demands."

Myles V. Lynk '70, also of Afro, added, "If the strike is discontinued by the majority, it forces minority groups into actions less moderate and less effective."

"We will continue to act until our eight demands are met," Jared K. Ross-man '71, a member of the SDS strike steering committee, said at the meeting. "The Corporation would like us to believe that we have won, but we have not won. It's clear that the Corporation has every intention of keeping ROTC here--and extracurricular genocide is still genocide. Paine Hall scholarships have not been restored. Afro's demands are not yet met. The Wilson Report says nothing about low-cost housing; Harvard will continue to expand, continue to demolish homes."


Barry F. O'Connell, a teaching fellow in History and Literature and acting chairman of the CRSR, urged that the strike continue until Tuesday, adding taht an understanding of the Faculty's difficulties "must not blind us to how much they must yet do."

No Response

On the expansion demands, O'Connell said, "Do not think that Calkin's statement to the Corporation is any response at all. The Wilson Report itself is not an adequate response--it doesn't do anything, it just talks. The people of the city must have full participation and veto power over their own lives.

The CRSR proposal, defeated yesterday by a voice vote, resolved that the strike be extended until Tuesday because Afro's demands were not yet answered, because of "grave reservation about the adequacy of the Wilson ROTC demands will not be met. The motion added that the decision of whether or not to strike must be left to individual consciences.

"To the question of whether the Corporation's new statement is adequate to meet the strikers' demands, the answer is a resounding no," Chester W. Hartman, assistant professor of City Planning, said, speaking of the CRSR proposal. "Harvard assumes no direct responsibility; the Report talks vaguely about adequate relocation, but people wind up in poor housing paying high rent. Harvard has adopted a policy of pushing out the people of Cambridge."

Ending the Strike

Bruce Chalmers, Gordon McKay Professor of Metallurgy and Master of Winthrop House, spoke in favor of ending the strike. "The Faculty takes your demands seriously, but as a definition of problems that must be faced rather that as specific demands that must be met," he said. "The most recent statement of the Corporation convinces me that the Corporation is fully determined to adopt a more humane policy in the future and correct the damage done."

"ROTC has been reduced in status to an extracurricular activity, with no more and no less privilege that SDS," Chalmers added, to the cheers from the crowd. "If the strike ends we will not return to normal--we are moving into an era of change. But change must be made not with haste."

"The objectives behind your demands are impossible to achieve quickly," Jerome S. Bruner, professor of Psychology, said early in the meeting. "The great issue is whether we are moving in the direction set up by the extraordinary series of events of the past week," said Bruner, who introduced the resolution ending ROTC contracts which the Faculty of Arts and Sciences passed Thursday.

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