Merle Fainsod, Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor, announced last night the names of the four Harvard and Radcliffe student members on the student-faculty committee investigating the occupation of University Hall.
The three Harvard representatives, chosen at random from ten nominations, are Robert H. Blumenthal '69, John Read '69, and John P. Fernandez '69. The Radcliffe representative, similarly picked at random from two nominations, is Renee Chotiner '70.
The Graduate Student Council announced in a statement Thursday night the election of Keith B. MacAdam as GSAS representative on the new committee.
Each Harvard House chose one candidate in elections held Wednesday through Friday. Freshmen chose a single candidate in the Union on Thursday. At Radcliffe, North House and South House chose candidates, while East House did not.
House chairmen reported general student acceptance of election procedures and the role of the new committee.
The Adams House committee held a straw ballot on the question, "Do you consider the creation of the student-faculty committee legitimate?" The response was 75-50 affirmative.
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