The Law School study-in ended early yesterday morning. Students and Faculty agreed the demonstration had produced valuable dialogue.
From 11:45 p.m. Wednesday until 1:45 a.m. yesterday, about 12 Faculty members adressed the 300 students and answered their questions. Albert M. Sacks, assistant dean of the Law School and member of the Committee on Grades, said the dialogue "was a very fine experience."
Eric E. Van Loon, a first-year student who moderated the discussion, said students and faculty "gained a much greater appreciation of the other point of view and of other people. It was a good example for people throughout the United States to look to--the faculty and administrators came down and talked to us." Robert D. O'Connell, a first-year student and a leader of the student drive for participation in faculty meetings, said some students had been unwilling to discuss the SDS demands at the meeting because "we have put our own house in order before we start telling other people what to do."
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