
Short Silence for Pusey

The Yard continued to be the center of action as pickets marched in front of Emerson and Sever Halls yesterday morning. In the early afternoon, about 200 demonstrators gathered in front of University Hall and staged a march past the Houses, around President Pusey's house, and back to University Hall.

Afro led the march around the Houses and a little bit of soul was added to the same old chants as the demonstrators sang "strike, strike, we're on strike" and "Kumbaya." In front of President Pusey's house, the demonstrators stood for a moment of silence with their hands raised in the "V" sign.

Earlier in the day Mlot-Mroz of the Polish Freedom Fighters drew warm applause from amused picketers as he denounced the "Communist and student red anarchy" and sang "God Bless America" from the steps of Widener Library.

Yard activity ended about 2 p.m. as a gentle rain drove picketers into Emerson and other buildings.
