The following is the text of the resolution which the Faculty adopted yesterday, setting up the membership and election procedure for the new committee which is to study the causes of the present crisis, assume responsibility for disciplining students involved in the University Hall occupation, and recommend changes in the governance of the University. The plan was presented by the Fainsod Committee. A dissent by two members of the Fainsod Committee is attached.
1) That the Committee authorized by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the meeting on Friday, April 11, consist of fifteen members, of whom seven shall be tenure members, of whom seven shall be tenure members and two non-tenure members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, one a professor from the Law School, and five shall be students of whom three shall be undergraduates in Harvard College, one from Radcliffe, and one a student in the Graduate School of Arts and Science. The Committee will choose its won chairman, and all members of the Committee will have equal voting rights.
2) The seven tenure and two non-tenure members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences shall be chosen in the following manner:
A. Nominations will be made by each Department with at least one permanent tenure member in its ranks. The Department chairman will call a special meeting of tenure and non-tenure department members to meet within one day after this Faculty meeting to agree on its nominees. Departments with 40 or more Faculty members shall be entitled to make three nominations, those with 23 to 39 members two nominations, and those with less than 23 members one nomination. In making their nominations, departments are urged to give due weight to the ratio of tenure and non-tenure members in the department and to receive assurances of willingness to serve from all nominees. All nominations from departments must be certified by the Department Chairman and delivered to a representative of the Committee on Organization at the Faculty Club between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 16.
B. The Faculty will meet on Thursday, April 17 at 2 p.m. to elect the seven tenure and two non-tenure members of the Committee. A ballot will have been prepared containing a list of all nominees, grouped in the two categories of tenure and non-tenure members. Each Faculty member will vote for seven (7) candidates in the tenure members. Each Faculty member will vote for seven (7) candidates in the tenure category and two (2) candidates in the non-tenure category on the ballot provided. Any candidate receiving a majority on the first ballot will be declared elected. In the event that seven tenure and two non-tenure members of the Faculty are thus elected, the election will be ended. Otherwise, a second ballot will be prepared as follows:
(1)From the list of candidates not already elected, a number shall be chosen equal to twice the number of vacancies still to be filled in each category. These candidates shall be those receiving the greatest number of votes in each category. On the second ballot each Faculty member will cast as many votes as there are vacancies remaining in each cast as the tallying of the first ballot has been completed. Candidates, to the number required, receiving the largest numbers of votes shall be declared category. The second ballots will be elected. Should there be a tie for the last position, it will be resolved by lot.
3) The five student members of the Committee shall be chosen as follows:
A. Harvard College representatives--The nine Houses and the freshman class will each elect one candidate. From this list of ten, three undergraduate members will be chosen by lot by a member of the Committee on Organization in the presence of the candidates. The House Committees of the respective houses and the Freshman Council will be charged with the responsibility of establishing procedures for the election of their candidates.
B. Radcliffe College representatives--The three Radcliffe houses will each elect one candidate. From this list of three, one Radcliffe undergraduate will be chosen by lot by a member of the Committee on Organization in the presence of the cadidates. The House Committees of the respective houses will be charged with the responsibility of establishing procedures for the election of their candidates.
C. Graduate Student representatives--The officers of the Graduate Student Association will be charged with the responsibility of establishing procedures for the nomination of candidates and the election of a graduate student representative.
D. No student under disciplinary charges in connection with the occupation of University Hall shall be eligible to serve on the Committee.
E. The Committee on Organization request that the student elections be completed and the successful candidates be certified to the Committee by Friday noon, April 18.
4) The Committee on Organization strongly urges that Professor Paul Freund be invited to serve as the member from the Law School.
Attachment to Report of Committee on the Organization of the Faculty:
We dissent from the report on one point: We do not agree that the elected student members of the proposed committee should take part in one of the three functions of the Committee, namely, the disciplining of the students involved in the forcible occupation of University Hall.
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