
Design School

The Design School Committee on University expansion, one of four committees set up by the GSD last week, made four housing demands to the University.

The committee--considered the primary committee set up by the GSD--will present these demands for approval at the general meeting of the GSD at 10 a.m. this morning.

The four demands ask that:

* Harvard immediately commit resources for the development of 3000 housing units, half of which must be devoted to the elderly and low-income families of Cambridge.

* The University should not take any dwelling out of the non-University housing stock until it has provided new relocation housing in the nearby area at a comparable cost for the households to be displaced and that any increase in graduate student or undergraduate enrollment must be accomplished by an equivalent increase in the number of housing units.


* Harvard should commit at least 25 per cent of all its residential property to the leased public housing program.

* Harvard must support rent control for Cambridge and Boston, and until passage of rent control laws it must voluntarily control the rents of its own properties at the Jan. 1 1968 level.

The other GSD committees have not yet made any definite demands although they met throughout the weekend.
