The names of 50 successful candidates for Alfred P. Sloan Fellowships at the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, were announced today by Dr. Peter P. Gil, associate dean for executive programs.
"This year we have chosen from among the largest number of applications we have ever received," Dr. Gil said, "and the new 1969-70 class promises to be a diverse group of exceptional talent, with a wide range of managerial experience to draw upon within both private and public areas of responsibility."
The new class will bring the total number of Sloan Fellows who have gone through the program to more than, 800, since its inception in 1931. Formerly only business and industry supplied promising and carefully-screened candidates--and profited from their return to key positions, after the intensive one-year mid-career program--but now increasing numbers of Sloan Fellows are appointed from the fields of educational administration, hospital administration, government, and urban affairs. Dr. Gil said that this rising input of managerial talent from the Sloan school, feeding into the public sector, reflects concern at the School with problem identification, problem solving, and innovation in the area of social issues as well as in business affairs.
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