A public hearing will be held Friday April 11, at the Fish and Game Field Headquarters, Rt. 135, in Westboro, at 8 p.m. Under consideration will be changed in the current trapping regulations as proposed by the bay state trappers association and an experimental youth upland game season as proposed by the Division of Fisheries and Game.
The youth upland game season is being proposed as a preliminary step in a program to give field training to youths who are about to receive their first hunting license and who have already received their certificates of competency in the hunter safety program.
Trout Unlimited Dinner April 9
Rodrick Haig-Brown of British Columbia, will speak on the politics of conservation at the Trout Unlimited dinner to be held April 9 at the Yankee Drummer Inn in Auburn. The public is invited and reservations are to be made by calling Jack Wallens in Boston at 742-7654.
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Marcuse at B.U.