
Quincy Plans Arts Festival

The Alvin Alley American Dance Theatre, an all-black company, will make its only New England appearance this Spring as part of the week-long Quincy House Arts Festival.

The Festival, to be held April 14 to 21, will be a loosely-structured mixture of several art forms. "It is an attempt to cover the diversity of contemporary art in a manner that people can enjoy what they want to without searching for themes," Jed R. Horne '70, Festival chairman, said yesterday.

The Festival, co-chaired by Philip W. Conkling '70, commemorates the tenth anniversary of Quincy House.

Special events have been planned for each evening of the Festival. On April 20, a group of actors affiliated with the Ark, a coffehouse in Boston, will stage a "total environment happening." Patterned after the Living Theatre, the group tries to break down the distinction between actor and audience.

Other events include a lecture-demonstration on piano accompaniment of silent films by Charles Hofman, film curator of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and a poetry-reading by Robert T. Lowell, Ralph Waldo Emerson Lecturer on English Literature.


Throughout the week Michael W. Macy '70 will present an "ephemeral and collective art happening" in the Junior Common Room. Visitors will create and display their own photograms, a paper that retains an object's image for a few hours.
