
Faculties Award 3 Professorships

Three appointments have been announced by the Divinity School and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Gordon D. Kaufman will hold the Edward Mallinckrodt Jr. Professorship of Divinity, Ralph B. Potter Jr. was appointed professor of Social Ethics in the Divinity School, and George W. Mackey was elected the first holder of the new London T. Clay Professorship of Mathematics.

Kaufman, a faculty member of the Divinity School since 1963, received an A.B. and M.A. in Sociology at Northwestern University, and the B.D. and the Ph.D, in philosophical theology at Yale. He published Systematic Theology: A Historicist Perspective in 1968, Relativism Knowledge and Faith in 1960, and The Context of Decision in 1961.

Potter, a specialist in population ethics, has been assistant professor in the Divinity School and a member of the Harvard Center for Population Studies since 1965. He holds the B.A. in political science and philosophy from Occidental College, the B.D. from McCormick Theological Seminary, and the Th.D. in social ethics from the Harvard Divinity School. His book, War and Moral Discourse, will be published this spring. Last year, he served on an ad hoc committee at the Harvard Medical School to examine the definition of brain death.

Mackey, a member of the Harvard faculty since 1943, is known for his work on group representations and their relations to quantum theory. He published Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in 1963. He received the A.B. degree from Rice University and the Ph.D. from Harvard.
