
Repairs Begin on Flooded Mower

A Building and Grounds painter has begun scraping the peeling walls of Mower Hall's A-Entry, which was flooded by an exploding radiator pipe during Christmas vacation.

Richard P. McGinnis, Mower A's proctor, said that although almost all the repair work in Mower reamins to be done, the freshmen in the most damaged suite have decided to move back this weekend. The rest of the 13 displaced freshmen returned to their suites after exams.

William Minney, Buildings and Grounds College Area Superintendent, estimated the repair costs in the "Low thousands of dollars." He said that B&G will have to refinish the warped floors and repaint the stained ceilings and water-swollen walls.

Minney added that the major repair work will not begin until Mower Hall dries out, 'hopefully" in another month. He predicted that when Mower dries out, the stench will disappear.

Walking on Mower's warped floors is like walking over little hills and valleys. Entrance doors to two suites were inaccessible until they were planed and sanded, and one closet door is still blocked by a hilly floor.


The residents of Mower A were originally informed of the flooding by Dwight D. Miller, senior Adviser of the North Yard, who wrote to each of them, "I am sorry you have to return from vacation to the inconvenience and mess resulting form the water your room."
