
Members of HSA Express Concern Over Groups's Poor Public Image

Members of Harvard Student Agencies, Inc. wrangled over professionalization, public image, and Boston After Dark at their annual meeting last night.

Stephan B. Kellogg '71, publisher of the Student Calendar--a division of HSA, said that his agency has not tried to get Boston After Dark thrown off campus, as was charged this week. "This thing has been distorted out of proportion," he said. "We should exert out influence and improve our public relations."

Public relations was a prime topic of discussion. "We're not money-grubbing capitalists," Scott A. Abell '72. "People have got to understand that we're working our way through school.

Ronald T. Luke '70 suggested that HSA could improve its image by creating programs which would employ Roxbury high school students on a part-time basis and emphasize management training for the Harvard students involved.

Several speakers, all HSA members, complained that the HSA, in emphasizing growth and company profits, was hiring too many professional and cutting down unnecessarily on student earnings.


The HSA elected five student directors, a treasurer, and a clerk last night. The new directors are John F. Drewry '71 of Winthrop House and Shaker Heights, Ohio; Stanley S. Jones Jr. '71 of Quincy House and Atlanta, Ga.; Ronald T. Luke '70 of Kirkland House and Dallas, Tex.; Gary L. Rosenthal '71 of Leverett House and Tulsa, Okla.; and Charles E. Talmadge '71 of Eliot House and Houston, Tex.; the clerk is Thomas G. Stembert '71 of Quincy House and Vienna, Austria; and the treasurer is Scott A. Abell '72 of Matthews Hall Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
