

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

If you are careless enough to lose your Study Card, you will be instructed at the Registrar's Office to go to Room 812 for a replacement. Which is of little interest in itself. What is of interest is that, on the main desk in Room 812, you will see a two-page Xerox edition of "Directive on the Typing of Study Cards." You may read it as you wait, though to do everyone justice, the wait isn't long. The directive describes at length the fine points of study-card-typing . . . how to clean typewriter keys, what sort of eraser to use, and so forth.

I do not in any way wish to criticize the author of "Directive on the Typing of Study Cards," for it is written in lucid prose and is undoubtedly an invaluable aid to the secretaries. However, it seems, at least to one inexperienced in administrative procedure, that the author's talents might better be exercised elsewhere.

While Study Cards are certainly a central part of the Harvard experience, there are other problems which should not be entirely ignored. Perhaps, for instance, someone should concern himself, even at the risk of a few smudged Study Cards, with the lack of communication between undergraduates and senior faculty members. It may, so to speak, be time for a "re-evaluation of administrative priorities." Nicholas C. Arguimbau '71
