
Nixon Has Designated Cherington Next Asst. Transportation Secretary

Paul W. Cherington '40, James J. Hill Professor of Transportation, has been appointed Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Policy and International Affairs.

President Nixon announced the appointment last Friday at the White House. The appointment will be finalized by United States Senate confirmation.

New Post

The post, focusing on long-range policy and international planning for the Transportation Department, has been newly created by the Nixon Administration.

Before his inauguration, Nixon appointed Cherington a member of his task force on transportation problems.


Cherington first met Transportation Secretary John A. Volpe when Volpe became Governor of Massachusetts in 1962. He worked for Volpe on the Massachusetts Board of Economic Advisers.

Worked for CAB

Cherington has worked for the Civil Aeronautics Board. He also has an in-depth knowledge of the Federal Aviation Agency. Both the CAB and the FAA are under the jurisdiction of the Transportation Department.

In 1958, Cherington co-authored a book, Airline Price Policies.

Cherington has taught at the Business School since 1950. He is taking a one-year leave of absence from Harvard.
