
Thinclads Begin Indoor Schedule With Easy 91-18 Rout Over B. U.

Boston University rallied to win three of the last 11 events to avoid a shutout here last night as Harvard's track team opened its indoor season with an almost unavoidable 91-18 rout. Unfortunately for the spectators, the meet was as close as the score indicates.

Living up to pre-meet expectations, the Terriers won only six of 35 places in last night's events, while Harvard captured the remaining ten events and 29 places. The Crimson had built up an 18-0 lead before B. U. scored its first points.

Harvard captain Keith Colburn was the star of the evening as he won both the mile and 1000-yard runs. His 4:11.2 clocking in the mile tied a track record set last year by teammate Roy Shaw, who was forced out of the race with leg trouble after eight laps last night.

Crimson Sweep

Junior Ed Nosal easily won his specialty, the 35-1b, weight throw, with a toss of 58 ft. 1 in., and Bob Galliers' 22 ft. 1/2 in, leap in the long jump led a Crimson sweep in that event. In the pole vault, sophomore Clayton Bredla? made a successful d? but for Harvard as, he won with a 14-feot ?ump.

B. U. captured two of its three victories in the field events, with favored Philip Conway edging Crimson sophomore John Driscoll in the shot put, and John Winscowiez out jumping senior Jim Coleman in the high jump.


Tom Dewner set a track record of 1:11.6 in squeezing by teammate John Gillis in the 600-yard run, and Walter Johnson set still another varsity track record for the Crimson when he won the 60-yard high hurdles in a time of 7.6 seconds.

Sophomore Mike Koerner ran two miles in 9:22.6 to win a race which had no entries from the Terriers, and in the evening's final contested event. Harvard's mile relay team of Chris Alvord. Ed Duggar. Gillis, and Downer coasted to an easy victory, B. U. was unable to field a two-mile relay team squad.

Harvard's freshman team rolled to an even easier triumph than the varsity, winning every event in a 93-16 romp. Ed Skane set an all-time record for the Yardlings in the pole vault by leaping 14 ft. 2 in., two inches higher than the winning varsity height last night.
