
Law Faculty Opposes Haynsworth In Poll

An overwhelming majority of full-time teachers at the Law School opposes President Nixon's nomination of Judge Clement Haynsworth to the Supreme Court, according to a recent poll sponsored by the Black Law Students Association (BLSA).

Of those responding to the BLSA questionnaire, 34 opposed Haynsworth's nomination and two supported it. About ten faculty members did not answer the questionnaire. About five were out of Cambridge or otherwise unavailable.

Alan M, Dershowitz, professor of Law, said yesterday, "A nominee to the Supreme Court must be above reproach, and Judge Haynsworth is not."

Not That Either

"It is simply not enough that a nominee be a competent judge," Dershowitz added. "He should be a distinguished and outstanding judge, and Judge Haynsworth is not."


Montgomery said the Black Students Association "is painfully shocked by the racist tenor of the substantial portion of Haynsworth's civil rights opinions."
