WASHINGTON, D. C.-Thousands of war protestors without accommodations are flocking to Washington's three major universities-American, Georgetown, and George Washington.
American University is feeling the brunt of the housing crush. The administration there has given the students New Lecture Hall and the Chapel, but as more students pour onto the camous, the threat of a building takeover increases.
Thomas Block, director of the A. U. student political union, estimated that 3000 students have already been placed on campus and added that if the administration does not make more space available soon, students might seize a building.
Rumors of a building takeover focus on the Ward Circle Building and an old gymnasium. The gymnasium has negligible toilet facilities, Block said, and is a fire hazard. So the Ward Circle Building, a very large classroom building, has become the more likely target.
Block complained that Georgetown and G W are not alleviating the housing problem as much as they could, and called them uncooperative.
At Georgetown, the McDonough Gymnasium has been opened only to students from certain invited Jesuit colleges in the Northeast, including Boston College, Holy Cross, and Fordham. Unlike A U, where many war protestors spent Thursday night, hardly any guests stayed at Georgetown.
The gym will accommodate 650 men, but 300 from non-Jesuit colleges and 120 women are expected to get rooms in the Georgetown dormitories.
At G W. the administration has given the G W Student Mobilization Committee a series of buildings with 50 classrooms. Theoretically, these buildings are only for SMC meetings and activities. But they will be open all night and will undoubtedly be used for housing.
Marianne Phelps, associate dean of students, said that the G W administration, in addition to providing a large SMC headquarters, is also helping to place people in the G W residence halls.
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