
Anti-War SDS'ers Want to Enter Closed Hearing- If They Find It

The Anti-War Committee of SDS voted yesterday to recommend to a group meeting that SDS try to enter a closed meeting next Wednesday of the Faculty subcommittee studying the Cambridge Project. A problem with the plan has arisen, however, because no one in SDS knows where the meeting will be held.

The subcommittee, chaired by Harvey Brooks, dean of Engineering and Applied Physics, has met in various places and keeps the locations secret.

Alan Gilbert teaching fellow in Government and a member of the Anti-War Committee, said last night that a demonstration against the Cambridge Project "would lose some of its point" if it did not include breaking into a subcommittee meeting. He added that a general SDS meeting on Sunday will discuss possible courses of action.

The Anti-War Committee's original plan was to hold a rally outside the building in which the subcommittee was meeting, and then to enter the meeting.

In a letter presented to the subcommittee last Tuesday, SDS accused the group of "holding closed hearings precisely to prevent people from seeing the vicious purposes to which the Project will be put." The letter ended with a "demand that [its] meetings be open and announced beforehand."


The subcommittee has scheduled meetings for next Monday. Wednesday, and Saturday Three spokesmen from Afro will argue against the Cambridge Project either next week or at a later meeting.

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