
Conservatives Open Harvard Unit Of Young Americans for Freedom

Student conservatives have organized a Harvard-Radcliffe chapter of Young Americans for Freedom.

The YAF constitution, approved last week by the Harvard Undergraduate Council, states the organization's number-one goal is "To promote the principle of capitalism and the free market economy." Laslo Pasztor Jr. 73, group co-chairman, said yesterday he is organizing H-R YAF to "combat SDS and educate people to provide a vocal stance for conservatism at Harvard."

Paszter said the group would try to combat any SDS disruptions by legal means first, by encouraging the Administration to ask the local court for an injunction against anyone who occupied a building; and second, by bringing legal action themselves against SDS for breach of their civil liberties.

To 'Combat' SDS

He said YAF would also "combat" SDS in public debates. "But the farthest we would go would be maybe to counter-demonstrate." The group has about 12 members now. Pasztner said he is hoping for a "hard core" of 25.


Paszter came to this country from Hungary in 1956. His father is World Secretary of the National Hungarian Freedom Fighters Association. He said his interest in conservation came from "reading a lot of conservative literature like The National Review."

Paszter said that after last spring's disruption and again this fall, he was alarmed at the lack of conservative-spokesmen. "I audited a lot of moderate group meetings," he said, "but no one was representing the conservatives."

Young Americans for Freedom is a national organization of conservative college students. The Harvard chapter, following the rules for extracurricular activities, has no official connection with the national group. "But we agree with them on just about everything," Paszter said.

The group's Faculty advisors are Edward C. Banfield, Henry Lec Shattuck Professor of Urban Government, and Gottfried Haberler, Galen L. Stone Professor of International Trade.

Paszter said he approached Haberler to be the group's Faculty advisor after seeing his name on the masthead of the Journal of the Intercollegiate Society of Individualists. Haberler, he said, recommended Banfield. Harvard requires Faculty advisors for all groups wishing official extracurricular status.

Banfield said, "I think as a matter of principle people should be able to discuss whatever they wish. I told them I would do it only on the condition I didn't have to agree with them or go to any of their meetings."
