
Committe Invites Letters

The following is the text of a request from Harvey Brooks, chairman of the subcommittee created by the Faculty Committee on Research to study possible Faculty participation in the Cambridge Project:

The subcommittee created by the Faculty Committee on Research Policy to advise the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on the possible participation of that Faculty in the Cambridge Project wishes to obtain both written and oral testimony from members of the University community concerning their opinions about the project and issues that might be raised by Harvard participation in the program.

As one step towards obtaining these views the subcommittee is inviting any Faculty member, or student wishing to do so to write a letter to the chairman, Dean Brooks. After receiving such letters the subcommittee intends to invite specific individuals, representing either themselves or organized groups within the University to appear before the subcommittee in closed session to set forth these views.

It is hoped that all individuals who wish to appear in person may be afforded an opportunity to do so, but if too many so desire it may be necessary for the committee to make a selection, based on the letters, of those who will be invited to meet with the subcommittee in order to obtain a representative sample of viewpoints.

In any case, however, all written communications will be given serious consideration in the subcommittee's discussions.


Letters should be addressed to Dean Harvey Brooks, 217 Pierce Hall and should reach him by October 27. Each should include the name and address of the correspondent, his departmental affiliation, a telephone number through which he could be contacted, a statement of his views or the views of those whom he represents, an indication of whether he wishes to meet in person with the subcommittee, and if so, a statement of why he feels such a personal appearance is necessary to supplement his written submission.

The subcommittee hopes that letters will address themselves not only to the Cambridge Project specifically, but also to any broader issues of research policy in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences which might be suggested by the Cambridge Project.
