Despite continual picketing and sporadic outbreaks of violence in front of the White House. President Nixon spent yesterday ignoring the Vietnam War Moratorium. Nixon made no statement on the war or the protest and devoted most of his day to consideration of Latin American affairs.
The outbreaks of violence occurred when about a dozen black militants, joined by other anti-war demonstrators attempted to crash the northwest gate of the White House. The protesters were quickly routed as U.S. park police arrested five. A fist-swinging melee developed as anti-Moratorium picketers attacked the protest-in Congress the halls were relatively quiet as many of the members spent the day speaking to Moratorium crowds across the nation. Anti-war Representatives were blocked in their efforts to keep the House in session all Tuesday night.
By a 112-119 margin the House voted to adjourn at 10:0? p.m. Hundreds of Moratorium supporters wandered through the galleries and hallways on Tuesday and Wednesday in peaceful attempts to persuade the Congress-men to end the war.
The only official Administration reaction to the Moratorium came on Tuesday in a speech by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. After a conference with Nixon, Agnew asked the Moratorium leaders to repudiate a letter from North Vietnamese Premier Pham Van Dong. The letter expressed hope that the nationwide demonstrations would bring an end to American participation in the war.
Agnew called the letter "a shocking intrusion into the affairs of the American people."
Also on Tuesday, the White House suddenly released, without explanation, the text of a private speech Nixon made Sunday night. In the speech, the President said the war would be over within three years.
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