
Boston 'Globe' Urges Immediate Pullout

The Boston Globe urged immediate and complete United States withdrawal from Vietnam in a full-page editorial yesterday.

Calling the war "a hopeless situation," the editorial said. "The best way, and in fact the only way, to support our boys in Vietnam is to get them out of there... We can in the truest sense of our honor do no less than withdraw now, unilaterally and in an orderly way. For it is the reputation of our country that we must save, not of those present and past leaders who have been so wrong.

"If the history of this century proves anything, it is that colonial wars are out of date."

The editorial called President Nixon's statement that he will ignore yesterday's Moratorium "the biggest mistake of his long career." It said, "He showed what no leader of a democracy should show, that public opinion will have no effect at all upon public policy."
