To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
At last Wednesday's candidates' meeting at Quincy House the students scarcely outnumbered the candidates. WHY? Was it not widely enough advertised? Presumably it's not lack of concern for community affairs. Is it discouragement with Cambridge elections?
If this is how you feel, do take the trouble to come to a few School Committee meetings and to read some of last year's issues of the Cambridge Chronicle, or even of the current ones. Radical improvements CAN be made in the Cambridge Schools if FOUR, not three, innovative candidates are elected to the School Committee. (There are four such candidates.)
A more flexible approach, much more individual attention, more counseling, appropriate resource centers could be introduced in the elementary schools. The tracking-system could be abolished in the high schools, work-study programs greatly expanded, curriculum updated and diversified, and again properly maintained resource centers established. The business procedures of the school system can be made more efficient, construction planning expedited, etc., etc.
Cambridge public schools are said to be what they are because there is no forward-looking majority in Cambridge. There is. But it is in hibernation at Harvard.
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