
NAACP Protests New Recruiter

Cambridge's NAACP has protested Harvard's hiring a man from outside the City to recruit and train members of minority groups for jobs in the University.

"Harvard has just dealt a smashing blow to the guts of the minority community of Cambridge." an NAACP statement said. "Harvard owes a debt to the minority communities of Cambridge. What better way to start to repay this debt than to hire minority groups from within the Community."

Alvin T. Thompson, president of the Cambridge NAACP, said Thursday he had nothing against Larry E. Kinnard, the black from Cincinnati hash for the job, but he felt there "ought to be enough people in Cambridge and Boston to find someone locally for the post."

Harvard personnel director John B. Butler replied that "Our recruiting effort lasted many months and included many local candidates. We did not find one who satisfied our requirements as exceptionally as Mr. Kinnard does. They [the NAACP] seem to say that we ruled out local people and went out to the foothills of Cincinnali to find someone. This is not the case."

Kinnard, who has run similar recruiting efforts in Cincinnati said he did not feel that being from out of the area would hamper his ability to recruit in Boston and Cambridge.

