The Cambridge police yesterday issued warrants for the arrest of three people involved in last Thursday's disruption of the Center for International Affairs.
Eric Mann, not a Harvard student, was charged with five counts of assault and battery, disturbing the peace, breaking glass, defacing a building, and disturbing a public assembly.
Two other John Doe warrants have been issued for unidentified persons on two counts of disturbing the peace and disturbing a public assembly. No descriptions were released with the warrants.
One of the people in the Center identified Mann as the person who struck him in the face during the disruption.
Seven People Identified
Although Dean Ford announced at a news conference Friday that seven people had been identified, including some Harvard students, no students have been named in the warrants, and there has been no explanation of the discrepancy in numbers.
"The police were extremely scrupulous in this case. There had to be positive identification," one complainant said.
Twelve members of the Center went to police headquarters Monday and Tuesday to check pictures before the warrants were issued.
Probably No More
Captain Burke of the Cambridge police department said he did not think further warrants would be issued. None of the three people have been arrested.
Last Friday, the new Committee on Rights and Responsibilities met informally to consider the case of the approximately 30 people involved. The Committee agreed to encourage individuals to seek the warrants and promised that the University would "cooperate fully with the appropriate civil authorities in any cases involving physical assault."
At another informal meeting yesterday morning the Committee agreed upon the procedures to punish students involved in further incidents like this.
In accordance with the Committee's decision, the University has offered the services of its legal counsel, Ropes and Gray of Boston, to Center employees who were injured or shoved during the attack.
Immediately following the incident last Thursday, Harvard SDS disavowed any connection with the disrupters, indicating that the raiders were part of the dissident SDS Weatherman faction.
Positive identifications for the three warrants, however, came from pictures. Verbal reports identifying students involved in the raid were not grounds for seeking the arrests.
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