Despite a ban on using University facilities, the SDS chapter of Boston University met on campus last night after being ordered to leave its original meeting place.
A policeman acting on administration orders told students assembled for the meeting in the B. U. Auditorium that they could not stay in the building. The group agreed to leave but went to the nearby George Sherman University Union, where they met undisturbed.
Staton R. Curtis, dean of Student Affairs at B. U., announced Monday the revocation of SDS's "privilege to reserve and utilize University facilities." He cited as his reason the "violence and property damage" at an SDS meeting in Hayden Hall last Friday.
The Hayden Hall meeting featured Mark Rudd, a militant national leader of Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) SDS. One person was beaten, tables and chairs were damaged, some people were denied admittance, and the doors of the
hall were chained shut after the meeting began.
Representatives of B. U. SDS met with Curtis yesterday, apparently in an attempt to disclaim responsibility for the Hayden Hall meeting. "Nobody in B. U. SDS likes RYM," one chapter member said last night. "Rudd's gang caused the trouble," another added.
But a source close to Curtis said yesterday that "SDS reserved the hall for the meeting, and SDS is held responsible for the conduct at it. The University calls them all SDS." The administration has given B. U. SDS a $250 bill for the damage done Friday.
A statement issued by Curtis yesterday said that the ban would be in effect "until this office is assured that SDS can conduct meetings without violence, destruction of University property, and violation of University regulations and public laws."
"Precisely the same action would have been taken against any other student organization which was responsible for conducting such a meeting," the statement added.
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